This piece consists of handmade tiles built from pigmented clay which create a meandering line that engages the architecture of the gallery space. I conceptualized this work as I wandered around CDMX - I wanted to translate my movements and the many small moments that made up my days into material. This project holds near the slow and patient work which is central to all of my making and thinking.
Made during my residency at Casa Lü, CDMX, July 2024
In my practice I use an abstract formal language which has endured across time. In this grouping of works, I was looking for a form which could also exist in the past, present, and future. The tablet does this - it existed long ago as a way to hold information, it functions in our contemporary life as a personal computing device, and is imagined in a dematerialized form in a science fiction future as a holographic square.
Install images from my 2022 solo exhibition “Still” at Likewise in Fayetteville, AR.
Various dimensions, pigmented ceramic and OSB.
This collection plays on two definitions of the word still; quiet and persistent. This work was made between 2020 and 2022 and describes my relationship with my practice during the early pandemic.
Photos by Forrest Fredrick
This body of work is a playful exploration between 2D space and 3D form. All works are made from pigmented ceramic and range from 10-18 inches in height.
2019 -2020
These works combine gradient patterns with elements of architectural form, all works are made from pigmented ceramic.
These tabletop-scale objects are explorations which combine flat panel elements of pattern with dimensional forms. All works are made using pigmented ceramic.
A tube is both human and human-made. Blood vessel, bone, wire, metro track.
Various dimensions